Nouveaux Avantages Forum dédié au jeu de rôle 7ème Mer : univers, gamme, création
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Inscription : 09 sept. 2017, 17:38

Nouveaux Avantages

par TheFrenchDude » 09 sept. 2017, 18:25

Préambule :
Bonjour, je joue depuis un an à la seconde édition et j'ai un peu participé au forum anglophone sur le jeu dont voici le lien : ... es-updated
J'ai également repris quelques avantages créé par un autre membre de ce forum, je les ai testé en jeu, et j'ai décidé d'en ajouter de nouveaux qui apportent un peu de saveur au jeu et comble des manques. Voici ces avantages. La plus part sont en Français, d'autre je n'ai pas encore pris le temps de les traduire. Vos retours sont les bienvenues.

Avantage à 1 point :

Talent : 1 talent est offert gratuitement pour le premier point pris en représentation. Les talents sont les domaines où s’exercent les compétences de représentations du personnage. Cet avantage peut être acheté autant de fois qu’il y a de talent, pour 1 point à chaque fois.
Les talents sont : Voix, Danse, Musique, Arts plastiques, Palais, Comédie, Écriture

Encyclopaedia Montruoso :
Cet avantage permet d’avoir accès à des opportunités concernant les monstres qui peuplent Théa. Ces opportunités sont à la discrétion du MJ, mais correspondent à une connaissance approfondi sur le type de monstre choisi. Cet avantage peut être pris autant de fois qu’il y a de type de monstres.
Les types de monstres sont : Marins, Sidhes, Morts-vivants, Terrestres, Mécaniques, Volants, Sorciers.

Imperturbable : Lors d’un duel d’escrime ou de pistolet, le Héro entre dans une telle concentration, qu’il devient insensible aux pressions extérieures. Aucune « Pression » ne l’atteint pendant le duel, mais il devient également insensible aux encouragements (les autres Héros ne peuvent pas lui donner de dés ou d’opportunités).

Etiquette : Le Héro connait les us et coutumes de la société dans laquelle il se trouve, lui permettant ainsi d’être à son aise et automatiquement reconnu comme « du milieu ». Il reconnait les codes, les jeux d’influences et de pouvoirs, et le phrasé particulier employé. Cet avantage peut être pris autant de fois qu’il y a de sociétés concernées. Le Héro choisi une des sociétés suivantes à la création qui correspond le mieux à son background. Il pourra acheter avec des point d’xp les autres étiquettes par la suite pour 1 point à chaque fois.
Ces sociétés sont : Noblesse Latine (Castille et Vodacce), Noblesse Nordique (Vesten et Ussura) Noblesse Germanique (Eisen et Sarmathe), Noblesse Montaginoise, Noblesse Glamoure (Avalonienne et Sidhes), l’Empire du Croissant, Contre espionnage, Eglises, le Monde des Affaires, Milieux criminels, les Marins, Paysannerie.

Foi : Vous avez la foi en Theus. Une foi honnête et pure.
NOTE MJ : La foi est un pari de votre joueur. Ne lui dites pas ce qu’il peut en tirer. Peut-être rien, peut-être quelques coups de pouce du destin, peut être apporter un peu de lumière dans un monde parfois trop sombre. Libre à votre interprétation et ce que vous voulez en faire.

Scarovese : Vous avez étudiez Scarovese, vous avez appris à manipuler les autres pour votre profit personnel. Vous êtes pragmatique et êtes capable d’actes parfois innommables pour arriver à un but quelqu’il soit. La fin justifie les moyen d’une certaine manière. Quoi qu’il en soit, vous savez utiliser le Grand Jeu à votre avantage sans vous perdre dans les méandres de ses manipulations. Vous avez le droit à un point de Corruption en plus, qui ne vous demandera pas de jet.

Dangerous Beauty (Character Creation Only; exceptions by GM approval):
You possess a specific quality that makes you attractive, whether it's a magical birth mark next to your eye or an accent that is sultry enough to lure a chaste priest to your bedroom. When you choose this advantage, clearly specify the source of your "Dangerous Beauty." When it can be utilized to your advantage, gain 1 bonus die when attempting to seduce a target.
Trustworthy Face (Character Creation Only; exceptions by GM approval): There is just something about you that people trust. Maybe your face reminds them of a good friend, or the way you carry yourself instills that belief. When you are trying to convince someone to trust you, gain 1 bonus die to your roll.

Unobtrusive (Character Creation Only; exceptions by GM approval): You have an appearance that helps you blend in to a crowd, or just become forgotten amongst the various details in a noble household. When you attempt to blend into a crowd or go unnoticed as a servant would, gain 1 bonus die to your roll.

Thrifty: There are some people who burn guilders like they were causing holes in their pockets, but you're better than that. You may keep one Wealth point at the end of a game session to carry into the next.
Credit and thanks go to Catalina Arciniega.
Inheritance: You have acquired an inheritance in some way, and if you live frugally, you can make this last. You begin each game with 1 Wealth; should you gain the Rich advantage, lose Inheritance.

2 Point Advantages

Exploiter les faiblesses (Ecole): Vous avez étudiez une école au point où vous avez découvert la parade à sa botte secrète. Pour chaque école que vous étudiez avec cet avantage, vous devenez insensible à sa botte secrète (votre adversaire ne peut pas l’utiliser. Ca ne lui coute pas de point d’héroïsme).
Regarder le mal dans les yeux : Le Héro fait preuve d’un courage hors norme face aux pires horreurs. Diminue de 2 points le niveau de peur que subit le héro.

Trained Spider: You have been given (or somehow acquired) a trained spider from Vodacce. It is capable of performing one extraordinary feat or serving a specific duty. Note that these spiders are NOT combatants, and are considered to be a Strength 1 Brute Squad for all intents and purposes. Roll a d10 or choose one of the options below.
<All text pulled directly or modified from Nations of Theah: Vodacce, pages 100-101)
1. Glow: You possess a small globe of spiders that produce a phosphorous glow. It can illuminate a small room (10’x10’)
2. Poison: The spider can be trained to bite anyone who enters a specific area, no larger than a room. The bite will defeat a Brute or cause 5 wounds to a Hero/Villain. It takes 24 hours for the venom to build up enough to be used again. The spider cannot be used in combat (unless someone steps where it was guarding in combat, of course).
Note: I changed this from an automatic Dramatic Wound to 5 wounds, giving Hero/Villains a chance to decide if they wish to spend Raises to resist it, whether through sheer constitution or quick thinking/moving. This is especially true in Dramatic Scenes, as every Raise counts.
3. Theft Mark: The spider has been trained to bite anyone who touches a specific object. While not fatal, it causes the skin to swell like a balloon, and the area around the bite will be slightly discolored. This swelling effect lasts for two days, but it will take about a week for the effects to fully heal.
Note: This was slightly tweaked, as the original text stated "several days." I changed it to be swelling for two days (normally more than enough time to find the target), with a rather obvious mark that can be hidden by gloves that will last for a week.
4. Door Mark: The spider has been trained to spin webs across doors, windows, or other entrances, allowing to know when intruder’s have crossed them. It takes the spider ten minutes to “mark” an entrance in this way. The owner can tell if it is intact with a single glance.
5. Tough Lines: The spider produces a very strong thread, which may be used as thin rope. It takes one week to spin fifty feet of thread, which can support up to 250 pounds.
6. Retrieval: This large spider has been trained to retrieve small items — pens, rings, sheaves of paper, etc. — and return them to its owner. The items cannot weigh more than one pound, and the spider is limited in what it can retrieve to either one single type of item (pen, ring, etc), or an item which the spider has had an opportunity to mark with its scent.
7. Message Transfer: The spider’s bite can effect a brief transfer of information from one subject to another. The message transfer must be fifteen words or less and compose a single sentence. The information only travels one way (from a sender to a subject) and cannot be transferred to more than one person. Keep in mind that an unwitting subject may not realize what the spider is up to and squash it before it can bite. The spider may only use this ability three times per week.
8. Tracking: The spider can track a specified person, leaving a distinctive thread on buildings and other landmarks for its mistress to follow. Distance is no object; the spider can follow its subject for hundreds of miles if necessary. The tracking ability only works if the subject is on foot: the spider is too slow to follow horses or wagons, and ships leaving no place to mark passage. This will allow players the means to track their quarry or, if they are elusive and rolls must be made (such as for chases), grant the one with the spider an additional die.
9. Hide Object: The spider can take a single object (weighing no more than a pound) and hide it in a secret place, cocooning it with thread and then retrieving it when ordered. The object is considered invisible for purposes of searching; it simply cannot be found by normal human means. The spider can hide up to three objects at a time with this ability.
10. Parlor Trick: The spider is capable of performing a specific trick or task, such as making a loud noise like an alarm, making "music" in a way similar to crickets, or some other non-combat effect that the player and GM can agree to.

3 Point Advantages

Ici c’est chez moi (K): Permet au Héro de créer un réseau en quelques heures ou jours (en fonction de ce qu’il souhaite) dans une ville ou un quartier donné. On pourra alors considérer qu’il a accès à autant d’information que s’il était natif de l’endroit et est en contact avec un réseau précis (marchand, rufians, marins, militaires, etc. au choix du Héro)

Tribun : Le Héro gagne + 1 dé pour tous les risques liés au discours ou au commandement. Il parle d’une voix qui porte, il sait se faire entendre et écouter.

Comme un livre ouvert (K) : Le Héro arrive à lire les intentions cachées de son interlocuteur. Il peut poser 3 questions au MJ sur les intentions ou les pensées du PNJ. Le MJ répondra avec honnêteté mais adaptera éventuellement la réponse en fonction de ce que peut effectivement percevoir le Héro. Par exemple : « Oui il te cache quelque chose au sujet de ces coffres et a peur que tu le découvres » mais pas « l’homme qui l’emploie s’appelle Emilio » alors que le Héro ne connait pas d’Emilio.
Beauté renversante: Vous êtes exceptionnellement beau/belle. Votre grâce, votre silhouette, votre visage suscitent désirs et admirations. A chaque fois que vous pouvez utiliser votre apparence à votre avantage dans une situation sociale, vous gagnez +1 dé à votre jet de risque.
Wheel and Deal: You have mastered the art of buying low and selling high. When selling your cargo, each point of Cargo nets an additional Wealth point.

4 Point Advantages

5 Point Advantages

Caractéristique légendaire : Le Héro doit avoir 5 dans la caractéristique concernée par l’avantage pour pouvoir le prendre. L’avantage ne peut être utilisé qu’une fois par scénario.
Gaillardise : Le Héro réussi, sans dépenser de points d’actions, une prouesse physique à la limite de l’impossible.
Finesse : Le Héro réussi, sans dépenser de points d’actions, une prouesse de dextérité à la limite de l’impossible.
Esprit : Le Héro réussi, sans dépenser de points d’actions, à convaincre son interlocuteur du bien-fondé de son argumentation et le range à son opinion. Permet également de gagner n’importe quel jeu d’esprit.
Détermination : Le Héro se libère, sans dépenser de points d’actions, de toutes contraintes mentales qui pourraient l’empêcher d’agir pour le reste de la scène.
Panache : Le Héro devient, sans dépenser de points d’actions, le centre de l’attention de toutes les personnes présentes dans une scène. Il devient la cible des regards de la foule tant que rien ne vient troubler la scène.

Grand Maitre (Edited 9/26): You have dedicated yourself to the art of the blade, and have learned to meld different swordsman styles together into one. In order to purchase this advantage, you must have mastered two different duelist styles (two purchases of Duelist Academy) and worked to blend them together (a 5 step story to earn this Advantage).
When you purchase this Advantage, you have become a grandmaster of the two styles you have blended together. This allows you to use the weapons from either school and still be able to use the skills and abilities from either school without changing your style (but will still be limited to one bonus per round). This also makes your style hard to interpret, making you immune to the Exploit Weakness advantage.
Should you wish to add another style to this combination, you must grandmaster the third style with the previous two, and then take this again.
Example: Ricardo has Duelist Academy for both Aldana and Valroux. After much time, he has learned to blend the dancing steps of Aldana with the agressive taunts of Valroux. At the beginning of each round, he may choose to use Valroux Press or Aldana Ruse regardless of whether or not he is using a main gauche.
His ally, Sigurd, has Grandmastered Leegstra and Sabat. This means he can perform Leegstra Crash with a saber or Sabat's Gambit with a pair of heavy weapons. Should Sigurd wish to add Eisenfaust to his grandmastered style, he would need to first learn Eisenfaust, learn to grandmaster Eisenfaust with Leegstra, then learn to grandmaster Eisenfaust with Sabat, and finally learn to combine all three together into one coherent style. Once he has grandmastered all three together, he may use any of these three school advantages with two heavy weapons, a cavalry saber, or with a heavy weapon and panzerhand.

Inventor : You are a skilled inventor, able to create items of the finest quality the likes of which have only been dreamed of.
Spend a Hero Point. You have (or, with enough time and materials, can make) an invention that serves a specific purpose. Most inventions are built to last, and are often available for the length of the Story at the very least. Expenditure of Wealth (at least 5) will ensure that the item was well made enough to last.
Options include, but are not limited to:
• Narrative Effect: The tool does a narrative effect that you may need, ranging from having a spyglass built into a mask or a sword that contracts.
• Enhancement: This enhances the abilities of something that already exists. It will grant a +1 die bonus on specific events in non-combat applications, or grant an additional +1 Wound (either inflicting or reduction) when spending raises. Examples include specialized boots for walking in the snow, gloves designed to aid in climbing, or an article of clothing that promotes floating while swimming. Please note that items do not "stack" (having a specialized magnetic blade catching guard and a reinforced article of clothing won't reduce a wound by two).

Scaled Advantages
These are advantages that have variable costs, and some may be improved over time.
Sidhe Blooded: You are a descendant of the Sidhe (or a distant relative of them, such as the deivas), and possess something of them within your blood.

Inheritance : You are set up to inherit something of value. You do not have it yet, but you will at some point soon. Perhaps it may be even better than you think it will be.
This advantage begins at 1 point. The player may spend more, and may use Stories to increase the rating. After specific criteria are met, the character recieves the inheritance in question, based on the number of points and the goal of the advantage.
Example: Viktor begins the game with 1 point in Inheritance, as he is the eldest son of his family and is set to inherit everything after his father dies. Over the course of the campaign, he has accrued 11 more points into this advantage. At the end of the story, he inherits everything he has been saving points on.
In this case, he takes Rich (3 points), Signature Item: Family Saber (3 points), Trusted Companion: Family Servants (4 points), and now owns the manor and lands around it (GM warrants it having the value of a ship, so 2 points).
Note: Really, this advantage is in place to allow people to being "paying ahead" for a specific advantage they wish to have instead of randomly buying one just to use the last point.
Inherited Wealth: A close family member or friend has passed on, leaving you with some money in their passing. For each point you place in Inheritance, gain 2 Wealth points. These Wealth points do not dissappear between sessions, but once they are spent or stolen, they are gone.
Example: Francisco has Inheritance 2, giving him 4 Wealth points as part of his Inheritance. In the first game session, he begins with 7 Wealth (4 for Inheritance, 3 for his Profession). After spending his income from his profession by hiring help for a job at hand, he dips into his personal stash from his Inheritance to purchase a gift for the woman he wishes to woo and spends another Wealth point. At the start of the next session, he begins with 6 Wealth (3 carried over for the Inheritance, 3 for his Profession). Should he spend the last of his Inheritance, he will be without this cushion.
Artifact: You possess a Syrneth Artifact of some nature. You do not fully understand it's complete use, but is has proven to be interesting and sometimes helpful.

Variable Point Advantages
"Variable Point Advantages" are those that are in the same vein and have the same name, but have potentially different point values. These also may be purchased multiple times to acquire the later benefits.

Artifact : You possess a single artifact that possesses some sort of ability. The nature of the artifact is left to the player and GM to discuss, with the GM having the final decision.
• 1 point: A minor trinket that may be of use in certain applications, such as a stone that changes in brightness at different times of day or night, or a marble that “remembers” the location it was last tapped.
• 2 points: A trinket of some practical use, but still strange, such as a small box that only opens to your touch or a silver belt that lights a dark area when worn.
• 3 points: A trinket that confounds science but has specific, practical uses. These are objects that fit in as Signature Items, or have a specific other effect, such as a clockwork limb or a gauntlet that returns a knife back to your hand.
• 4 points: You possess an artifact that not only confounds science, but reeks of power. Perhaps it plunges an entire room into darkness, or it pulls all metal objects toward it once dropped.
• 5 points: Something of immense power that could change the world if used the right way. Perhaps it’s a cloak that allows you to teleport through shadows, an amber gauntlet that allows you to perform feats of strength that rival the strongest of Théah, or a glowing orb that is the key to an airship. . .if you can find it.

Arcane Heritage : Your ancestry includes something of the occult, quite possibly something not entirely human. It has manifested in you within some way, granting certain abilities, sometimes at a cost. The following are just a few examples as to how this can manifest.
• 1 point: Your ancestor was directly tied to some form of Sorcery. You are given an additional Hero Point each session that can only be used to activate Sorcery.
• 2 points: There is something in your eyes that instills fear into a target. You may spend a Hero Point to automatically force a target to cower in fear as long as you make eye contact with them.
Note: Yes, this is a modified Staredown, but instead of backing down from a threat, it is simply causing fear.
• 3 points: There was something granted in your blood that makes performing Sorcery a bit easier. When using Sorcery would cause you to change your Approach, do not spend an additional Raise.

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Inscription : 20 mars 2016, 16:58
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Re: Nouveaux Avantages

par Iris » 09 sept. 2017, 18:39

Sacré post !

Merci de nous faire partager ça ici ! :)
Si je ne suis pas là, vous pouvez me trouver ici ou ou par MP.

Messages : 4
Inscription : 09 sept. 2017, 17:38

Re: Nouveaux Avantages

par TheFrenchDude » 09 sept. 2017, 20:08

Sacré post !

Merci de nous faire partager ça ici ! :)
Merci à toi !
J'ai aussi 6 pages de règles maisons entièrement écrites en anglais pour le forum. J'ai un peu la flemme de tout traduire alors je pense que je partagerais tel quel sur un autre sujet ^^

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Re: Nouveaux Avantages

par Edzart » 10 sept. 2017, 09:03

Je ne me suis pas encore beaucoup penché sur 7th Sea ! Mais merci ! C'est cool tout ça :D
Aleksandr Novgarad - Mage de guerre - Lv4
PV :35/35 - CA : 14
Sorts :
1 4/4
2 3/3
Trait de feu +5 (1d10 feu)
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Re: Nouveaux Avantages

par Etmer_Fachronies » 12 sept. 2017, 08:58

Excellente initiative ce partage, merci ! :)

Je me lancerais bien dans la traduction, mais il faut d'abord que je lise le manuel de 7ème Mer, c'est mieux pour éviter les contresens :D
Les Aigles d'Arolavie : Yardan, adepte du Dieu-Dragon - Moine de niveau 6
CA 15 - PV 45/45 (6d8) - DV 6/6 (d8+2) - Points Ki 6/6 - Héroïsme 3/3 - Gourde 10/10

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